Americans are increasingly failing when it comes to their financial acumen and money management. Financial acumen is the level of financial education and understanding of various financial areas, including topics related to managing personal finance, money, and investing. Money management is the process of allocating, investing, saving, spending, or otherwise overseeing the usage of financial resources.
While the two are related, they are not one in the same. Financial acumen is the sharpness and speed in learning and understanding financial matters and the knowledge of money, while money management is the process whereby financial acumen is applied. One cannot manage money effectively without a certain level of financial acuity.
To increase financial acuity, an individual should get educated on money and finance. Understanding basic financial principles, such as compound interest, the time value of money, saving, investing, managing debt, financial planning, and tax planning is essential. There is so much to know and learn, do not expect to gain an in depth understanding overnight.
Money and finance are complex, yet delicate, subjects. A financially savvy individual has the capacity to make better financial choices and decisions. A financially astute individual will always count the costs before paying the price. For example, the biggest mistake that most consumers make at a car dealership is telling the salesperson the monthly car payment amount they are comfortable with for a car note. It does not matter the interest rate or the term, most times a car salesman will get the consumer to that “magic number” without the consumer ever considering the impact the interest rate and term have on the overall price of the vehicle.
To become a better money manager, an individual has to first set financial priorities and goals. I always admonish my clients to establish the top three financial goals that will get them closest to their best financial self. Once priorities are established, an individual has to become more financially astute and savvy with their daily, routine financial choices and decisions. Simple things like participating in loyalty rewards programs of grocery stores, gas stations, airlines, and hotel chains can save hundreds of dollars over time. Finally, an astute financial person will always weigh the total cost before paying the monthly price. This is extremely important when making major purchases for appliances, automobiles, and homes.
A financially literate consumer also understands the importance of credit worthiness. Many do not know but an individual with poor credit will spend at least $250,000 more in interest expense in their lifetime as compared to an individual with excellent credit. That is a quarter of a million dollars! Imagine if that interest savings could be invested. With compounding interest and the passage of time, a nice nest egg can be accumulated.
As a financially astute consumer, an individual should not engage in impulse spending. All purchases should be planned and well thought-out. Set financial boundaries and spending limits for all purchases. Reward yourself for financial milestones and successes.
To schedule a consultation with Nicole Michelle, feel free to connect with her on the Home Page.
Nicole Michelle
Finance and Money Wiz
April 4, 2024