Life’s tapestry includes the image or picture others see when they look at us. This image or picture consists of the threads that have been woven together by our past, recent, and current affiliations, connections, encounters, experiences, or the relationships that we have with others. Unfortunately, there are times when these threads also include catastrophe and tragedy. Weather events, such as fires, floods, winter freezes, hurricanes, tornadoes, or any number of other travesties that result in total losses of material possessions can leave individuals broken and confused.
The impact of losing it all in a matter of minutes or hours as compared to the years and decades of labor and sacrifice is incalculable. How in the world can a person forge ahead? What can keep an individual going when stopping seems so appealing? Allow me to share my insights. It is important to maintain focus on what really matters. Anything that money can buy is replaceable. Loss of life is terminal and signifies an earthly and worldly finality. What is loss is not near as important as what is left…YOU!
Perspective matters most, and gratitude is always an attitude that will lead to more. While the current state of life may not be easy or kind, the fact that you are breathing and leaving is an awesome testament to the fact that you are still here for a reason and a purpose.
As you prepare to rebuild, recover, and restore what was lost, know each and every day is a gift that should be purposefully unwrapped and used. Take your time and grieve your losses but do not stay in that place too long. Take time to actually list the positive and negative impacts of your loss. Make sure the positive impacts at least triple the negative impacts. Search your heart for the hope and will to continue.
Discover differences that can be made in your life as you rebuild. Perhaps there were material possessions that were lost that may not need to be replaced. Consider this as an opportunity to explore life as a minimalist.
Contact your insurance company and explore methods to expeditiously settle your claim, if possible. The philosophy of insurance companies is to delay or deny as long and much as possible.
If you do not have any insurance, secure the resources to obtain insurance as soon as you begin the rebuilding and recovery process. Do not drown yourself in guilt, pity, or sorrow. Seek disaster relief and/or any other aid that you may qualify.
To schedule a consultation with Nicole Michelle, feel free to connect with her on the Home Page.
Nicole Michelle
Finance and Money Wiz
July 22, 2022